Tuesday 3 May 2016



I have now managed to do the timeline from the Palaeozoic to the beginning of the Jurassic period which I'm very pleased about - I'm getting through it a lot quicker than I thought I would. I wanted to have a vague colour scheme for each period:
Palaeozoic - very blue as much of the earth was filled with water and small water based organisms
Triassic - mix of red/oranges and green, plants were beginning to grow, creatures starting to live on land. But at the end of the Triassic there was a mass extinction and grew very hot - meaning the greenery wasn't as abundant 
Jurassic - very green, there were lots of swampy rain-forests, new trees
Cretaceous - green/orange/brown/multicolour, this is the most like the land we know now; landscapes with trees, fields, rocks etc. as well as insects and the first flowering plants. At the end of this period the meteor hits, leaving a desolate looking landscape with greys/dark blues

This is quite different to how I usually work, which is often pretty simple, but with this I have made an effort to try and make it very busy and have lots of little things going on which will draw the viewer in to look at each part. Some parts I think work well are:

I have started using shadows which I feel have added depth to the image, and made sure it isn't flat. I really like these little newt creatures, I think they have a natural flowing form - and it is good to show a direct example of evolution within the timeline

This section is important, even though it doesn't draw much attention to it, it is the part which leads onto the next section which makes the timeline flow much better.

I was pleased with this section because I think all the elements fit together well compositionally. They are all interacting with something, communicating the process of hunting from three different creatures. Then there are the dinosaurs running in the background making it an energetic section of the scene - which is better than the figures all standing there statically. 

I like being able to include these little background elements which hint at the movement in time, as the timeline covers millions of years, elements like these fossils hint at the multiple mass extinctions that happened during the long period 

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