Friday 13 May 2016

making a box

In our final crit it was suggested that I find a way to package my products. I was wanting to do that anyway but was putting it off because I felt it might be too much work. But I have thought about how I might do it and I would just be re-approprating imagery I already have so it wouldn't take up too much time. I tried making a mock up out of paper:

The net I used worked (where I make tabs on each edge and stick it to another edge) but the paper itself was a bit flimsy, which might have been made worse by the fact it is quite big - as it has to fit my timeline, info cards, books and stickers. 

I made it again using thicker card and it held together much stronger. So I tried adding all the bits into it:

The box was actually much bigger than it needed to be - which is a god thing. Although the cut outs I made didn't fit very well, but they are much bigger than the final info-cards will be so I think that will be fine. I am going going to make it very slightly bigger than the timeline, so it all fits together comfortably. 

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