Saturday 7 May 2016

asteroid impact

I was a bit nervous about the last section of the timeline as it is the big asteroid hitting the earth and killing off all the dinosaurs - so it has to be big and powerful and take up a lot of space, but up until now I have been doing lots of small detail.

I started off with the big whole which the asteroid makes (the KT boundary), and have all the dinosaurs unknowingly walking towards it - which could be a bit dark?

I am pleased with this - I think it is definitely powerful and full of energy. I tried to make it look like the bits of rock were flying out of the page which I think I kind of managed to do. The varying shades of red really helps to communicate the deadly effect of it, while also filling it with energy. 

I didn't want it to end on a low point though, so at the very end I added some little green spouting plants to show that life did revoker and start to grow again - and I will add some birds flying into the distance as they are the only dinosaurs which survived (technically they are dinosaurs as they evolved from theropods). 

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