Wednesday 18 May 2016

Summative Statement

I have thoroughly enjoyed this module, I feel my work as a whole has developed massively since last year and I am leaving with a portfolio of work I am happy with. In my statement of intent I said I wanted to focus on book illustration, create work to quick deadlines, improve my design skills and how I work with type and image and generally produce a strong portfolio. I feel I have achieved all these things - the various book covers, secret 7 and the food editorial pushed me to work quickly and the dinosaur pack and book covers pushed me to really consider layout and typography. But I feel I have done more than what I initially achieved to do; I have developed a new interest in print after working with lino cut, which has pushed me to look for print studios once I leave uni. I have done a couple of book briefs but they weren't my main focus, I also played around with animation, and discovered an interest in children's illustration and educational illustration which I didn't expect. I have made sure I didn't get too comfortable in the work I am doing, because I end up getting bored - if I'm only making digital work, it all looks the same. So I have made sure I keep making analogue work and going back to mono print or trying out lino print to make sure my practice keeps developing, which is something I plan on continuing with outside of uni. At the end of last year I had doubts about whether I wanted to continue with illustration after uni because I didn't feel it was for me but after this year I am sure it is something I definitely want to try and pursue, I have made sure I have enjoyed every project this year and positive responses to what I have been producing has made me more confident in my practice. 

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