Tuesday 10 May 2016


When I did my Russian timeline for CoP I was very pleased with the outcome but I felt it was missing a front cover/back cover as it didn't really feel like a completed book. So for this I do want to have it presented in a more packaged way with a front and back cover, and possibly a blurb to explain what it is. 

I started with the front cover, as I had already made the back pattern, I wanted to keep to the same colour scheme. I wanted it to look professional but also appealing to children, which I think the plants do well - also showing a dinosaur on the front cover will make it clear what it focuses on. The colour scheme works well I think as it isn't overly girly or boyish so will appeal to young girls and boys. 

I wanted to include some information about Continental Drift because I think it is essential to the educational pack as the pack teaches about the earth during that period of time, and it is a fascinating idea that the earth used to look so different which kids will be interested in. I was planning to put the difference globes along the bottom of the timeline but it would have looked messy - and I needed an extra page if I wanted the timeline to fold up nicely into a book. I am pleased with this page, I think it is clear and simple to understand - I tree to use easy language when explaining it. 

I then made a blurb for the inside of the from cover, just expelling the focus of the timeline and informing what dinosaurs are, trying to create some interest for the content of the timeline. I'm pleased with how these three pages work together, once I had the colour scheme it was all pretty quick as I was just re-appropraiting imagery I already had, and the information was research I had done a while ago. 

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