Wednesday 18 May 2016

OUIL603 Studio Brief 3 - Clockwork Orange Boards

This was an important brief for me for a couple of reasons. Firstly it allowed me to work with lino print, which is a print method I had never worked with before, and I found out I really enjoy doing it. I had stayed away from it as I felt it suited more line based work, whereas I work more with shape, but I discovered my work translates well onto lino and it's definitely something I want to continue doing - it has pushed me to look for print studios in London for after I leave uni. It has also given me the chance to improve my book design skills, illustrating and designing book covers is something I want to go into much more. I feel I have developed a lot from last year, my typography skills have definitely improved, and how I work with text and image together rather than two separate things. I spent a long time with the book cover, and it ended up very simple and stripped back but I feel like it works well with the dark adult fiction book. I was originally planning on doing the War Horse competition, but I am glad I made clockwork orange into a bigger brief because it meant I could create work with a bit more edge to it. All the other briefs I have been working on are very colourful, fun and could be considered kid friendly whereas this shows another side to my practice and gives strong additions to the portfolio. 

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