Tuesday 10 May 2016

all together

Spreads close up:

All printed!

It's finished! I am really happy with how it turned out, this isn't how I usually work, my style is usually much more simple so this has been a bit of a challenge. I had a bit of trouble adding the text because I didn't want to have any text on the folds or cuts as it becomes hard to read, so I had to space it out in a way that still looks clean and neat. The text itself wasn't too hard to write, I just kept it simple using all the research I had already collected, I made it quite conversational and easy to read for children. I am a bit worried about trying to photograph it as its such as awkward format and will be difficult to get it all in the shot. Printing went all fine though, and sticking it together wasn't too hard as it was pretty similar to CoP and I just remembered what not to do - like making sure the joins from each new bit of paper is folded inwards, and that the front cover is a little bigger than the rest of it so it looks neater. 

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