Wednesday 18 May 2016

OUIL603 Studio Brief 4 - Emil and the Detectives Boards

I had a lot of fun with this brief, I wanted to build up a collection of book cover work in my portfolio but expanding the brief to make the animation was something I am really glad I did. I hadn't done any animation since last year so I found it quite daunting but I got into it pretty easily and really enjoyed it - I think I produced quite a fun little animation. Again I could build on my type skills, the back cover I was proud of as I had never played around with the format before, where I played around with the figures running around the text. It was also the first time I worked on something directly for children, I think it's important for my portfolio to show I can work for a range of audiences. I feel like I could of pushed this brief further, worked more on the idea of digital books and what other products I could produce for e-books etc. but I ran out of time and had to focus more on the final major brief.

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