Thursday 5 May 2016

dino cut outs

Along with the timeline, I want to make 2 small books that give in depth information about specific dinosaurs. I had the idea for a couple of 'pocket guides' for the two main dinosaur groups Ornithischia (bird-hipped dinosaurs) and Saurischia (lizard-hipped dinosaurs). I want the books to have a slightly different aesthetic to the timeline, to be a bit simpler and more handmade looking. So I have started making some dinosaur cut outs by hand:

They are quite time consuming but I feel like the aesthetic is so much more organic with the handmade feel as it has the little shadow beneath it, and it isn't perfect or really detailed, which I think works better for children's illustration:

I am pleased with how they have turned out, I am going to try and stick to a colour scheme - blues/purples/pinks for the Ornithischia group and greens/oranges/reds/yellows for the Saurischia group. The timescale to get all the work done is quite tight; I have to have my timeline printed next week and the books soon after so I have to get started on them! I want them to be simple yet exciting and colourful - as they will be showing information that might be a bit complicated, I want it to still be engaging. 

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