Wednesday 11 May 2016


I aim to make 2 books for the educational pack, but if I run out of time I may have to mock the second one up. I want the books to focus on dinosaurs rather than general prehistoric life like the timeline. To break all the information up a bit, I am splitting the dinosaurs into their two main groups - lizard-hipped dinosaurs (Saurischia) and bird-hipped dinosaurs (ornithischia) and then will go into detail of a few dinosaurs in those groups. 

I have started working on a few pages, I want to keep to a limited colour palette and have the aesthtic much simpler than the timeline. The lizard-hipped dinosaurs are green and orange:

I'm going for a similar aesthetic as the front cover for the timeline to keep it all consistent. It also makes it quicker to produce as I am just re-appropriating imagery. The last image is the final cover as I think the middle one is too busy and messy, the last one is much cleaner. I have also started adding the phonetical spellings for the difficult names as I imagine it can be daunting for children to try and read the long complicated words - and it adds to the educational element. 

I have started on the inside pages - mainly putting together imagery and mapping out what will go where. I want it to be simple and clear - quite graphic with the imagery with not too much text. This book is aimed at dinosaur fans who want to know more in depth information about their favourite dinos, but in an easy to understand way. But I don't want it to look too childish - more like a mock scientific field guide, so children can feel gown up reading it. 

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