Wednesday 18 May 2016

OUIL603 Studio Brief 1 - Dinosaur Pack Boards

I really enjoyed this project, and was really happy with the outcome. I chose the brief so that I could have a go at educational illustration again, because I enjoyed CoP. I really enjoyed the development of this project – I had so much fun with it. I played around with collages, mono printing and digital work through till the end of the project which I think kept the imagery lively and interesting - and it meant I didn't get bored by it. I am so proud of the outcomes, I feel like I really pushed myself for this project and worked really hard on all parts of the brief, and I think it paid off. Over the course of the project I feel my typography and design work has improved, I have thought more about how type and image work together, also I feel my use of colour has become more refined and mature. I have enjoyed working for something directly aimed at children, I felt I could really have fun with it which has encouraged me to do more work aimed at younger audiences. I was originally planning on making a beautifully illustrated book about dinosaurs, but I don't think that would have been as effective as an educational product - as people, especially children, learn through doing. I feel like I could have made the pack more interactive, as I only managed to mock up the interactive map and activity sheets, but I ran out of time and I felt the timeline and book were more necessary than the other bits because they included the core information. I wanted my last project to be a good one, and I have thoroughly enjoyed it and feel I have some strong new additions to my portfolio. 

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