Sunday 1 March 2015

secret 7 - maccabees

I was initially going to do the Supreme's song for my third design, but I felt a bit stuck with it and went back to the song list to listen again. I decided I would much rather wok with the Maccabees' song 'Go'. It doesn't have many lyrics but one that I felt intrigued by was

'Left you there in the sunlight, in the sunshine by the windowsill in the kitchen'

I thought there could be some nice imagery created there. Fore some reason I instantly imagined an english beach scene being seen from a window, so I went with it. I have recently been playing with a lot of textures and shape work so wanted to include that with this design. 

I went and made a series of textures I related to the beach with different mark making and paint work

I then scanned them all in and started making shapes to build up a beach scene through a window. I already had a collection of pebble textures I had used for the 505 module, so I thought I could re-use them to make a pebbled beach.

I just picked a few out and made a repeated pattern which I think has worked quite well. These were the textures I used

I haven't really worked much with photoshop to actually create the image, it has mainly just been fixing up already drawn pieces so I was intrigued to how it would work. 

I didn't know which sand texture would work best, to show distance on the beach

I don't think either work so I tried making the pebbles again but smaller and darker to show they are further away

I really like how it is coming together, the textures and colours are all working well together, but it just needs a few adjustments to tie it all together - maybe some more texture in the sea? Or the addition of the sun/boat to go in the distance. 

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