Wednesday 4 March 2015

secret 7 - finals

My final designs to submit for Secret 7:

I think they are a very different collection of illustrations, but I like how they all turned out and feel they do relate to the songs I chose in different ways. I really enjoyed this brief because of the diverse outcomes I was able to play around with and it forced me to work in a format I'm not used to working in which is always good to practise with. 
I also enjoyed the big variations in the songs and bands made me think about what was relevant to each one and how I would respond to it - and so I tried a different method each time and led me to a favourite at the end (maccabees). This has sort of pushed me to settle on a process of working (finally) as I have experimented a lot with different processes over the last few years. 

I also submitted this as a last minute decision:

 it is a cropped version of my PPP final illustration last year. I decided to add it in just because I love the composition, I think it goes well with the Rolling Stones song and it links in with the other design I made for 'dead flowers'. 

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