Friday 6 March 2015

peer review (wwf)

We had another crit on the new boards we made:

ways we feel our project is a 'winner'
- the notepad is a really effective idea, especially for the audience
- we have some high quality illustrations
- our products consider the audience and is based on our own experience being within the age gap of 14-24
- it is easy to visualise our products existing in real world situations

how we show this
- we show clear application of illustrations onto products
- we show the products in context
- we say how our products are relevant to our audience on the boards

questions we want answering
- should we design a set of playing cards with facts?
- should we keep the brochure and if so what would make it more visually interesting?
- should we animate the web banner?
- should we be looking at more imagery other than just animals?

- we shouldn't make playing cards as not many people buy playing cards, particularly educational ones, anymore
- we should think about making the designs Instagram friendly as their account has 8.5k followers and would relate to the 'always on' generation
- if we do keep the brochure we need more facts and possibly something the audience can interact with - questions? 
- animating the web banner would make it more interesting
- do start looking at other relevant imagery; trees, recycling etc. 
- number and add names to each page
- add the WWF logo to each page
- explain our concept but don't have the whole brief on a board
- add more colour to make the boards more visually interesting

There was lots of useful feedback so we now just need to decide on a final way of working and start making the final illustrations along with the placement onto products.

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