Thursday 26 March 2015

peer review

My peer review feedback:

- have clear aims and have evidenced a good understanding of the book
- need more consideration into the audience
- lovely textures, colours and imagery
- the darkness in my more developed piece gives the artwork a noticeable atmosphere and definitely communicates the vastness of the wilderness on the island
- proposal could be made a bit clearer; don't say 'maybe' on it
- consider production methods and dimensions of products
- research into making a slipcase
mock up some more finals, even if rough, as they will give a better idea of where you stand and what needs to be done

- have clearly identified my areas of interest; the themes of nature with shape and texture work really well
- lots of visual experimentation, and relevant artist research to help push the process further
- context is definitely appropriate and can see how my work might attract a younger audience
- need to think about dimensions, layout, colour palette
- research into publishers, how they design book covers
- good interpretations of the book quotes
- thumbnails communicate my research into the themes of the book
- might be good to pin down specifically which themes I will be working with, and exactly what my take on the book is; what will I be depicting 
- have covered a large range of products which will be relevant to the LOTF anniversary, will be able to re-apply designs from illustrations so won't be too much work
- pop-up idea at the beginning looks interesting but it could be too time consuming and maybe a bit difficult so if I do decide to do it I could maybe limit the product range a bit
- look at other book anniversary editions and think about how I will make mine stand out from the others.

This is all useful feedback, I feel like I do know what I'm doing and what I need to do, I just need to actually do it. I feel like I have let 505 slip a bit because of the other modules I've been working on but now that Responsive is pretty much out the way, I can focus on this more. 

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