Friday 20 March 2015


Quotes I've picked out from the first 4 chapters to use (might not be final quotes yet) They aren't very character based, but I want my illustrations to be more focused on the feelings surrounding the island and creating that whole setting, and these quotes have such good describing words to work form. 

chapter 1
'The coral was scribbled in the sea as though a giant had bent down to reproduce the shape of the island in a flowing chalk line but tired before he had finished. Inside was peacock water, rocks and weeds showing as in an aquarium; outside was the dark blue of the sea

chapter 2
'The flame flapped higher and the boys broke into a cheer. The boys were dancing. The pile was so rotten, and now so tinder-dry, that whole limbs yielded passionately into the yellow flames that poured upwards and shook a great beard of flame twenty feet in the air'

chapter 3
'Now the sunlight had lifted clear of the open space and withdrawn from the sky. Darkness poured out, submerging the ways between the trees till they were dim and strange as the bottom of the sea. The candle-buds opened their wide white flowers glimmering under the light that prickled down from the first stars. Their scent spilled out into the air and took possession of the island'

chapter 4
'When the sun sank, darkness dropped on the island like an extinguisher and soon the shelters were full of restlessness, under the remote stars

'The chant was audible but at that distance still wordless. Behind Jack walked the twins, carrying a great stake on their shoulders. The gutted carcass of a pig swung from the stake, swinging heavily as the twins toiled over the uneven ground. The pig's head hung down with gaping neck and seemed to search for something on the ground. At last the words of the chant floated up to them, "Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood"'

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