Friday 27 February 2015

secret 7 - rolling stones 2

I enjoyed making the design for the Rolling Stones song so thought I could try and make a completely different design for it. I wanted to go in a different direction to the abstract image I made before, and do something more literal to the song and do something really simple. 
So I just thought I'd take the song name 'Dead Flowers' and actually illustrate some dead flowers.

I love the simplicity of the clear line work, I feel something this simple can be quite effective if the surrounding negative space is used properly.

Compositionally I just wanted the flowers in a line, to represent the four members in the band, but I wasn't sure what background colour, so did a few tests.

None of them worked that well, I tried inverting the black lines but they are too thin to be that visible. I wanted something more muted, a bit more sombre as the song is about something quite sad - as it mentions a woman's grave, taking heroin and trying to take pain away. 

I think this works a lot better, the muted background colour allows for the the line work to be seen properly. Also having lots of space surrounding the flowers make them seem quite lonely, giving the image a forlorn feel to it. I think this is enough to be finished, I think for an album cover, simplicity can be really effective in standing out on shelves. 

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