Thursday 5 March 2015

carrie's war - development

Piecing all the bits together took quite a while as it was just a lot of trial and error to see what worked and what didn't. I have lots of collected textures from the start of the year which has come in handy for this project as I could just layer different ones to see which worked best instead of having to make more. 

I really liked the contrast of the flowers and the train, it is very bold I almost wanted to leave it as simple as that. But I think it definitely needed more elements. For the ground I didn't want to have it all one colour - I want it to all look a bit disjointed and abstract, so having a patch of green would look quite good but not in this texture, something darker - maybe paint?

I used another mono print texture I had for an earthy look, I also used it in another colour for the hills in the background. 

I used these textures layered onto the mono print, which I think works a lot better. The darker washes of brown creates some shadow and depth in the landscape and the darker green doesn't take too much attention from the daffodils but makes them look a bit more in place. 

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