Friday 20 March 2015

final crit (wwf)

We haven't completely finished our boards as we still want to take our own photos of a notepad, but this is pretty much how the boards will be laid out for final submission:

We got lots of positive feedback on our boards which was really encouraging:

- nice concept to add the designs onto a notepad, it adheres to the target market, and small snippets of information are easier to digest
- beautiful media, watercolour is very approproate but font doesn't really work (have changed the font in abve images already)
- don't need email addresses on every page
- clever illustrations to show that the animals are in decline
- spend more time integrating the type with the illustrations
- don't have the pen covering the notepad (in earlier image of notepad)
- water texture and animals work really well 
- maybe put turtle web banner text in white to make it stand out more
- strong impact board

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