Thursday 12 March 2015

photography workshop

We had a photography workshop to get a refresher on how to use the cameras to our advantage when photographing our work. I also wanted to get an idea of how to create shadows with work that has pop up bits - as I am thinking about maybe using that for my lord of the flies project. 

First we just used the same object to photograph so that we could get hang of the different features on the camera. 
I found it quite difficult to understand all the different modes you had to think about before even taking the photo - like the white balance, shutter speed and iso. Just getting those right took quite a while, the pictures kept coming out too dark or light or unfocused. It became easier once we brought out the grey board which helped get the right white balance. 

We then moved onto photographing our own objects. I brought some quick pop up plants I made and a little figure, I just wanted to be able to create long stretched shadows which made the plants look bigger than they are. 

I had quite a lot of problems with this, firstly it wasn't a good idea to have bright yellow plants as it just made things difficult when trying to get the photo the right colour as the plants always were way too bright to see any detail. Also I found it hard to get the right shadows, I think it would have looked better if I lit the scene from behind but I didn't think of that then. 

The session was useful but I think it would take a lot of practise to get good at it, it might be too much to take on for this project as 505 is more about you apply our illustration into context rather than the process we use. But I do want to start photographing my work in this way as it will look much more professional. 

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