Monday 2 March 2015


I did a quick sketch of a possible scene where the, now savage, boys are chasing the pig through all the foliage, carrying sticks and chanting

I like the contrast of the textured, dark cut outs of the boys next to the bright surroundings. I think this would be more effective if the plant life was thicker, appearing as if the boys really have to push through it. 
But I like the slightly unrealistic positioning and perspective of the boys and plants. I think my cut out plants would look better as well, maybe if the plants cut off the paper so they stood up and created a shadow - adding more depth. 

Similar to Laura Carlin's piece for 'the Iron Man'

There is something very atmospheric and dark about this illustration. The 3D element is so effective in making the water look deep and ominous as well as the sparse amount of detail in the water adding a sense of loneliness. 
I feel like little elements like this would work really well for my project, if the plants created stretching shadows which towered over the boys to give a sense of something dangerous on the island. Or if the boys had shadows bigger than them to represent the beastliness growing in each of them. 

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