Monday 2 March 2015

carrie's war - development

I am working a lot with textures at the moment and feel that aesthetic would work quite well with the design I am thinking of. I made a daffodil out of some cut out textures.

I did a bit of research into already existing covers for 'Carrie's War'

They are all very traditional and quite old fashioned, as it is a book written in 1973. I feel like my take on it using textures and cut outs, making it slightly abstract, will add a contemporary feel to the book, making it more relevant to audiences today. 

I think the best way to start is to make all the separate elements of the composition and then piece them together. So I started making a train on photoshop out of the mono print textures I saved from last module. 

Making the train took a lot longer than I thought, as I wanted it to all be relatively symmetrical and have a bit of detail. I used the same texture but in different lightnesses.

I think it has turned out well, it looks quite bleak and ominous which is the effect I wanted - as it must have been a scary time for all the children to be evacuated from their homes. I was using pictures of the evacuations and WW2 trains for reference. 

They are very dark, bulky, sturdy looking trains, also rather imposing. Which is what I wanted my train to look like. 

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