Wednesday 11 March 2015

carrie's war - final design

I really enjoyed this brief, and am pleased with my outcome. I am very interested in working with book covers and book illustrations, so this was very relevant to my own practise. My decision to do this brief was quite last minute, I didn't manage to read the book but I researched into it and I am impressed with myself for coming up with a design and making it so quickly - as I usually take ages on projects, so this was definitely a challenge. 
Working to a template was something I hadn't done before, but I quite enjoyed having those limitations, it forced my to think more about composition. Also having it look like an actual book cover at the end is quite exciting as it seems so much more real than just submitting imagery - I can visualise it in context. 
I think if I did read the book, I would have had more to work from in terms of motifs and themes to depict, but I am happy with this design. I think it has the right tone of voice for a book set in wartime, it has a sombre feel in the background, but the bright burst of flowers gives it a positive twist, suggesting the story is quite as positive one. 

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