Monday 8 February 2016

jack garratt - worry

For Jack Garratt's song 'Worry' I felt it shouldn't be as vibrant as my designs for Chvrches as it is about a woman leaving a relationship, and it being broken. I have been focusing on the lyrics 'pick apart the pieces you left, don't you worry about it' and 'as if this moon of ours only shines a half to make me feel whole'. I had ideas of jagged pieces, lonely figures, space, infinite pieces, wide open spaces - I am trying to communicate the intangible feeling of being lost/lonely/left/forgotten.

These were my initial ideas:

I narrowed it down to:

I want to use dark colours with splashes of bright to draw attention. 

I planend to make the figure more realistic but I thought the tall, thin, alien-esque figure was more effective when conveying feelings of loneliness. 

I quite like the simple, ambiguous setting and big open space - it adds atmosphere. I'm not yet sure about the colours - whether the figure stands out enough, or if I should make the background darker or lighter.

This is as far as I have got so far on this design - I feel like it is not completely finished but I don't know what to add so I'll leave it for a bit. I like the orange and white, it helps draw attention to the figure. Also the lighter bits next to the jagged edge makes it ambiguous to whether he is standing by a cliff edge or some water which I quite like - but maybe I should make it more detailed. 

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