Friday 19 February 2016

email from owen davey!

I sent Owen Davey an email asking about his Mad About Monkeys book - the age group, how he altered his language etc. and he replied back so quickly!

His reply was really useful - he said to just focus on the interesting stuff, don't get too caught up with bone structures etc. put in what I find interesting and cool, and kids will probably feel the same. But he also made a good point about being careful with research - if I am making the book to be educational, I have to get the facts right and so not to trust everything on the internet. He said he didn't have an age group in mind when making the book, it was classed later as 7-11 which is interesting, and sort of makes the books accessible to all ages which is kind of what I want to do. In his second email he said he would be interested in seeing the outcome so I might send him some finalised work down the line - possibly get some feedback? 
So I definitely need to start doing specific research - and maybe try get in contact with a dinosaur specialist to check my facts?

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