Monday 22 February 2016


I had a useful tutorial with Ben about my extended practice briefs:

Dinosaur Book
- focus on interesting aspects of dinosaurs, think about what kids will find interesting e.g. velociraptors link with chickens
- play around a lot with text and image 
- look at Paul Rand's children's books; how he has very simple pages but they are still exciting to kids
- maybe think about introducing a characters (explorer?) who can walk through the whole book

Secret 7/Emil and the detectives:
- good submissions for both competitions
- secret 7 designs could be seen on website as editorial illustrations
- put in portfolio on single A3 pages - all strong designs

Food illustrations
- keep going with food illustrations, really good for portfolio
- look at Romy Blumel and Jessie Ford - both do lots of food illustration 
- illustrations don't have to be complicated, could just be a spot image of a piece of fruit, a kettle etc.
- put sketchbook pages on website

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