Monday 8 February 2016

max richter - dream 3

I really liked this song, it was very relaxing to listen to. The 8 hour version of the song helps people go to sleep - so I thought it would be appropriate to make the imagery quite dreamlike. There are no lyrics in the song to respond to - I will have to use imagery which the song makes me think of. I imagine a space scene with planets, a wide open landscape, infinite buildings/landscape, a city in a dream-like state, floating figures/structures, lonely figures, sleepy figures.

My initial ideas:

More developed ideas:

I made a lonely figure on a boat - I like the use of scale with the wide open space, giving the impression the boat could sail forever

I tried adding the figure guiding the boat but it didn't come out as I imagined, it didn't look like a relaxing image - more like the figure is trying the steal the boat

I played around with what else I could do with the space - I liked the idea of the boat floating through ice

I like how this has turned out - the colours work well together, it definitely communicates a dreamlike state. I might make the boat smaller and the skyline thinner to exaggerate the wide expanse of the open water, making it seem like there is no end which relates to the long length the of the song. 

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