Tuesday 23 February 2016


I had a useful tutorial with Jamie talking about my dinosaur book:
  • for the dinosaur think of it more as a dinosaur project than a dinosaur book - how can I get children to engage and learn through products and educational material?
  • think about scale, installations, interactive elements e.g. make giant dinosaur footprints to scale and put them in places - train station, park, uni etc. and see how people interact. Make a giant dinosaur cut out to have in the final show
  • research into how we learn  - what appeals more to children? - toys? games? activities?
  • in terms of focusing the book, maybe make smaller books - one about t-rex's, one about velociraptors etc. then there can be a whole series of these little pocket books
  • for products think about - a world map with stickers of dinosaurs where kids can stick where they come from, cut up dinosaur shapes and put on magnets which kids can stick back together - learning process by doing (make your own dinosaur)
  • think big - dinosaurs are massive, how can I depict that? how can I make this project different and exciting from other dinosaur books?
  • look at Ken Robinson for educational research - treat this big project like CoP in terms of research 

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