Friday 5 February 2016

final cover

I made a few changes - added a few more mini boys at the bottom, this way the image carries on down the whole page and includes all the supplementary elements. I am pleased with how this has turned out, I think the colour scheme works well - it is bold and very different to all the other covers for the book. I think it has a mid-century design aesthetic with the colours and cut out style which I think works well for the classic book. 
I made some mockups which really helped visualise how the design would work on a book. When making the design I was worried it was all too busy but on the book you can see how each section works on its own. What I noticed was without the bleed and placed onto the book, the design is quite close to the edge - so making it smaller will make it look less squished in. 

* I have now edited the cover slightly to make it fit better on the page - it is a bit smaller so it looks less squashed when mocked up on the book. I think making it smaller has helped the design a lot:

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