Friday 26 February 2016

dino research

I was fining it difficult to know where to start with the dinosaur research - in all my tutorials I have been told I need to focus on the really interesting bits so to engage with children. I've been doing lots of research but its all been quite dry, and I was struggling to find a way to make it fun - even though they were amazing creatures the info on the internet is quite dull.

So I started looking at 'fun facts' and found some which stated the dinosaur which had the biggest claws or tallest neck etc. it didn't seem that interesting initially but once I started researching how they looked it became quite exciting - I was finding out about dinosaurs I had never heard of, which looked unbelievable. So I thought I could have a sort of 'wall of fame' section in the book which shows the dinosaurs who were the smallest, tallest, biggest head etc.

These are the specific dinos:
I started with the Spinosaurus:
I like how he turned out - all the dinosaurs have such interesting shapes to play with - and because no one knows what they looked like exactly I can play around with colour and patterns while making the rest anatomically correct. I have been doing them quite detailed but after doing the mono prints which were very simple - I think I should see how I could refine these back to something simpler and more graphic. 

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