Monday 8 February 2016


I decided to do another for 'Dream 3' - I liked my thumbnail of a little swimmer in a big pool - whenever I listen to the song I imagine being surrounded by water - I think swimming will be a good representation of my response to the song. 

 I made a swimming pool background - I want to create the sense of moving water and I think the wonky white lines give the idea of reflections in the water

I made my swimmer, I like the 60s swimming costume style - the bright red is a dynamic colour against the blue 

I put it all together but the swimmer gets a bit lost within the pool design, and it is hard to show movement within that pattern

So I stripped it back a bit, I think this texture works really nicely with all the colours and does still look like a pool. I'm struggling a bit with the movement aspect - whether I should have splashes and if the swimmer is enough in the corner - I don't think the red ring works very well. I might leave this design for a bit and come back to it later. 

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