Wednesday 10 February 2016

sketchbook development

I started playing around with dinosaur imagery - I don't know what is exactly going in the book but it is good to get an idea of how I will depict them

I have enjoyed getting back into paper cut again - I've been doing so much digital work, although I am using the mono print textures it gets a bit tiring staring at a screen the whole time. I think the final illustrations for the book will be made digitally as it would take too long to cut out everything, but I find it easier working out the initial shapes by hand. 
It's important to work out the setting for the book as well - the types of habitats they lived in. I think the 'dino-tracks' page will work really well in the book, possibly including an activity section which gets the children to match the print to the dinosaur. The colours I have been working with work well I think - the yellow/orange/red/dark green aid the prehistoric setting. 

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