Tuesday 16 February 2016

cover development

I scanned it all in to start playing around with layout:

I used 'Andale Mono' to work from for my cut outs, but I think 'Futura' works better for the quote under the title. I like the simplicity of the cover - it does look very eye-catching

It needed a background to make it less bright white - I think the second is better, it is subtler and looks more like paper

I haven't done anything for the back yet but I have some ideas. The eyes work well on the spine. I am pleased with the cover, but Penguin want an original take that isn't cliche and I have used the colour orange, an eye and milk bottles. Although the eye doesn't have any clockwork in it, and the bottles look more like orange juice..
We had a quick tutorial with Ben, he liked it so far and thought the type works really well. He suggested playing around with the layout, maybe it doesn't need the eye, or I could try work it into the 'O' somehow. And maybe don't use the colour orange at all - just try out some different ideas. He said Penguin doesn't actually use any of the winning designs its just for the concept, so you should be as out there as possible, be unique. The problem with cut outs is it takes a long time, so playing around takes a while, so I might do some digital versions as tests. 

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