Monday 15 February 2016


I was trying to come up with thumbnails but was finding it quite difficult, so I decided to go to the sketchbook first to play with visual imagery of the motifs until I come up with an idea.

I started with the milk imagery and oranges - it is cliche but I thought I could maybe get something interesting out of it. I really liked the eye and simple outlines of milk bottles in the bottom right - I thought that could be quite striking

I think having the eye at the top gives it the creepy edge - it has been used a lot, but I wanted it to look more like an eye spying on whats happening below - similar to what I used for my george orwell project last year, dealing with themes of government spying and repressing with the all-seeing eye. 

I did this as a test but I think it has worked pretty well, it is very striking with the two colours and cut out aesthetic. I think I will use handmade cut out rather than digital because it gives it more of a raw feel. I used a technique Ben told me for my type - printing out a type then using it as a stencil for my own cut outs and it has worked well - it is very relevant for this book's aesthetic. 

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