Tuesday 16 February 2016


After the tutorial with Ben, I went back to the cover and tried out other layouts/colours etc. 

I tried it out in green, but I don't think it works as well as the orange because sit isn't as striking. The layering of the green and orange is quite interesting though. 

I tried it with the bottles but it came out looking more like fruit/carrot juice and the milk concept doesn't really make sense anymore

I did a quick test with orange as a background, but again it isn't bold enough. Although I quite like the milk bottles without the black lines - subtly suggesting what they are. 

I got rid of the eye t try make it less cliche but I feel it makes it a bit boring - there is no creepy element to it

So I put the eye into the text which I quite like, but it looks a bit messy - I would have to make the 'o' the right size. 

I wanted some imagery for the back - I used an orange but it seemed a bit obvious. I tried an egg because Alex eats 'eggiweg' multiple times in the book. It isn't really a motif but I quite like the obscurity of it. I'm a bit stuck with how I can change it - I will leave it for today and try again tomorrow. 

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