Tuesday 9 February 2016

dinosaur research

I started doing some research into dinosaurs and the different species - I realised the species as a whole is much bigger and more complicated than I first thought. I think making a book about dinosaurs in general will be way to broad as there would be so much to cover, so I need to find a way to narrow it down - decide on one or two areas to focus on. 

There were three periods the dinosaurs existed in:
Triassic period (231.4 million years ago)
Jurassic period (200 million years ago)
Cretaceous period (66 million years ago)

The main dinosaur families are:

SAURISHIA - lizard hipped dinosaurs

  • Theropods - beast-foot, all carnivorous dinosaurs, move on two legs. E.g. Tyrannosaurus Rex and Velociraptor 

  • Sauropods - evolved to wak on four legs, enormous size, herbivores. E.g. Brontosaurus and Brachiosaurus 

ORNITHISCIA - bird hipped dinosaurs
  • Thyreophora - shield-bearers, armoured dinosaurs, herbivores. E.g. Stegosaurus, Ankylosaurus 

  • Cerapods - horned faced, bird footed - interesting group of dinosaurs. E.g. Triceratops, Parasaurolophus 

Flying and swimming dinosaurs both aren't actually dinosaurs, just a relative
  • Pterosaurs - winged lizards, their wings are made of skin rather than feathers, a sub-group of Pterosaurs is Pterodactyl 

  • Sea Reptiles (swimming dinosaurs) e.g. Nothosaurus, Plesiosaurus, Elasmosaurus

Spinosaurus - the biggest meat eating dinosaur, could live on both land and in water, could swim as it had webbed feet, similar to crocodile 

There have been discoveries of dinosaur fossils with clearly preserved feathers on them which suggests a lot of the species were actually feathered - this gives the dinosaurs a completely different aesthetic which I will have to take into consideration when making imagery. Although I found this articles which suggests that only a few dinosaurs definitely had feathers:
So I might not make it a main focus of the book, more of a fun fact on the side. 

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