Wednesday 17 February 2016

more development

I went back to the sketchbook to do some more cut outs and to try and get some more ideas. I did some more thumbnails:

I know the eye is considered quite cliche with this book - but thats usually with the make-up or being held open. But I think it is important for other reasons - like when Alex is watched by all the people after his treatment, he has the government watching him, he has the anti-government group watching him - he is at the centre of all these people's worlds. As eel as the fact he is trapped in his own mind - in that he can't see things he used to love without feeling sick - eyes are a massive part of the book. 

I am really enjoying the cut out type - it is coming out well. The stencils that are created look quite good as well, I like the roughness of them; I might try some test layouts with these cut outs for the title.

I like the imagery of a figure trapped within an eye - it is quite striking. Although some of the eyes look more like suns. I think the figure would need to look trapped - as if he is too big for the space. 

I really like the aesthetic of these two - the eyes look good, it makes for a striking cover. But I don't want it looking too '1984' (with the eyes of the state watching the people), it is similar concept though - repression from the state. I think the second one makes more sense to clockwork orange as he is trapped within the eye as well as being watched. I also think the bottles work much better on the back.

Having the one eye is quite risky - as it isn't an image immediately connected to a clockwork orange, it is only when understanding the themes of the book. I like the boldness of it - maybe if the figure looked more distressed and trapped. 
In my thumb nailed ideas, I have some compositions with the four boys - I might work on some of them as the four boys is a characteristic well known to the book. 

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