Tuesday 11 November 2014

visual journal

I feel I haven't been working in my visual journal enough, and I felt a bit stuck with where to go with my prints and animation so I wanted to maybe generate some ideas. 
I played around with some stencils I made and my black ink pad which creates quite a mono print style

When making these I had a quote from 1984 in my mind :

  "a kilometre away the Ministry or Truth, his place of work, towered vast and white above the grimy landscape"

I had meant for the building to be white but I also liked how the white illuminates from behind the stencil building, giving it quite an eerie glow. It isn't that visible on the photo but I had scribbled pencil into the black but I don't think that works as well, the roughness of it doesn't work well in contrast the sharp white of the building.

I wanted to do more where I imagined scenes from the book, and I thought about all the workers walking through the city to work in these huge buildings and how they have been brainwashed so are quite robotic I thought

I think these feels rather haunting which is what I wanted to create, as if the figures are ghosts of what they once were, on their way to work. I feel this could work well as a bit in my animation, but also as a mono print, these kinds of stencils would look good as a mono print or using the same imagery for a lino cut. I feel like I should maybe be taking the path of mono and lino instead of etching after seeing the direction my work is taking. 

I really like these little figures I've made, I want to do more of these, maybe trying out the same style but with some other motifs related to the book.

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