Tuesday 18 November 2014

mono printing

I went back to the print room to try out some more mono-printing but this time a bit more prepared with what I wanted to do, I brought some stencils along with me to play around with. 

I'm really pleased with how these worked out, I think the top three have a good composition, with the figures just in the corner being surrounded by such open space, it makes them look even smaller, giving it quite an eerie feel. 

I love the texture of mono printing, and how it is different everytime so there are a lot of surprises the more you experiment with it. I tried adding some bits of wood to it which gives it a really nice indentation when you take it off again, I'm not sure the yellow works very well with the green but I just wanted to test it out with something contrasting. I think I prefer the ones where it has been re-printed and the ink isn't as thick, so it has quite a washed out texture.

I think the building one would work better if I did it on a different format, like if I used a long and thin piece of paper to increase the feeling of it towering above the people. 
I am still unsure of what is exactly going into my prints but after doing these test I am more confident with this printing method. I just need to make more stencils and do lots more practises. I want to try and mix in some collage as well so I can build up lots of layers.

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