Wednesday 12 November 2014


I went into my tutorial feeling a bit lost as to where to go with my projects, the animation and etching all seemed a bit daunting especially mixed in with all the other projects I have at the same time, I have been having trouble managing my time. 

But after talking it all through it is clear that the type of etching I was looking to do doesn't really make sense when looking through my visual journal and all the other work I have done. The work I did with the figures is effective and that style would be work nicely with mono print or lino cut. 
It is clear from my wide variety of work that I haven't been very focused on where I want to go or why I am actually doing all this experimenting because so far it hasn't actually got me anywhere.

So I need to just sit and work out exactly what I want to do because at the moment I am doing a lot of experimenting but I'm being to broad with it, if I choose a particular way of working or a process I can then experiment within that and actually move forward with the idea.

It was also suggested that instead of doing 6 ten second stings for my animation, I do the 1 minute animation, that way I can create more of a narrative with it and I could just add in lots of bits that I have been working with rather than having to think of 6 separate ideas. 

So before I start doing more work I am going to make some decisions on where I want to go with this project because so far I have been quite indecisive and broad with what I am doing. It also allows for a lot more experimentation which is what I want to do more of. I think it will be a good idea to move onto mono print or lino, as it fits better with the style I have been working with and it is also a lot less time consuming so I will find it less stressful. 
I will plan out what content I want in my prints - whether or not I am working from quotes, and if so, what quotes I will be using. Also what will be in my animation, I need to go back to the brief and re-read what it is asking. During this I need to start building up a catalogue of drawings in my visual journal using a particular process so that I can start developing one idea rather than doing bits of a variety of ideas. 

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