Tuesday 4 November 2014

drawn animation preparation

Thumbs for my drawn animation:

I realised I had made my idea for this test animation more complicated than it needed to be, but only after I was quite a way through it, so had to carry on. I wanted the beginning to illustrate walking along a path but I hadn't taken into account the importance of perspectives. I had originally made it quite rough and not very precise but it didn't look right so I started again, I decided to challenge myself to try and make it work.  So I planned it out a bit more thoroughly.

I then wanted the viewpoint to pan up a massive building, which I was aiming to represent the 'ministry of truth' where the protagonist in 1984 works; a tall, intimidating, bright white building that looms over the bleak landscape. 
Then at the top I wanted an eye to keep up with the theme of surveillance, I want to eye to move either side as if it were watching over the people below, the the viewpoint to zoom further into the 'pupil' until it all goes black. I want the mood to be quite dark and oppressive.   

I have finished all the drawings now, I managed to do 50 which should be just under 5 seconds of film but I will stretch it slightly in after effects, I now just need to photograph each frame in dragon frame and create the sequence. 

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