Thursday 6 November 2014

choosing the brief

I went back over the briefs I brought to the session, and went through all the new YCN and D&AD briefs that have been put out and thought about which would be best for me after the discussions we had in our last session. 
I decided to stick with the 'Propercorn' on, where they are asking to 'creatively bring to life our ethos of "Done Properly"'

Some questions to think about to get me started with the brief:

what problems are identified in the brief?
they want to find a way to expand their branding, in the UK and further. And they need to find a way to do this that will capture the attention of an audience with a very busy lifestyle.

what is the brief asking you to do about it?
communicate their ethos of 'done properly' through a campaign or possibly traditional communication. So find a way to reach out to this busy, work centred audience during their day to day lives.

what is the brief trying to achieve?
expand their brand, make it more popular especially within the 'health conscious' 'stylish', 'urban' community - they want to make sure their brand comes across as a healthy yet tasty, stylish, creative snack.

who will benefit?
Propercorn. They will be getting their brand out there and so becoming more popular, so then making more money.

what is the message?
'guilt free popcorn' that is 'done properly' - a stylish, unique way of snacking from a brand that encourages creatives.

who is the audience?
20-35 yr olds with busy lifestyles, work centred, health conscious, appreciative of the arts

who will the message be delivered?
need to think about where the audience will likely be to see this campaign (on the way to work, at their desk) so possibly billboards, bus shelters, snack boxes, magazine ads, shop window designs. Creating a campaign. 

can you see any problems in responding to the brief?
it is a very open brief that could be interpreted by lots of different creative areas. There is a lot of possibilities of where to take it, not quite sure what they want, didn't find brief that clear. Not sure if they want to carry on with same design as on packs - as a extended version of the drawings they already have or a completely new look of the pack design.

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