Thursday 20 November 2014

more mono printing

I made some quick composition sketches to give me an idea of what I wanted to achieve and try out in the print room

I went back to the print room with lots of stencils and a clearer idea of some compositions. It was still a session of experimenting to see what works, playing around with colour and textures.

There are a few which had elements I particularly liked, or areas where I felt I could have improved:

I love the different tones in this one, the indentations left by all the stencils has worked really well with the black, making it all look quite ghostly with the fading figures and shadows around the barbed wire.

I think I must have put the ink too thick for the black, because the barbed wire has come out a bit blurry in comparison to the sharpness of the figure. 

I like the idea of this composition, but I feel it has come out very flat, not how I was expecting. I think I need to play around with perspectives a bit with my stencils as everything is very 2D.

I really like this composition, but the red I was mixing kept coming out pink by the second print. I think this would be more effective with a bolder colour, and maybe having the figures a different colour, or maybe all the same except one figure a different colour.

This wasn't meant to be a print, I just wanted to get the figure red to add to another print, but I really like this composition, the wide expanse of open space oppresses the figure, making it look very insignificant on the page which is the feeling I want to communicate through my prints.

I think this was one of my more successful prints, because I think it has more depth than any of the others, it looks like the figure is actually within the barbed wire, it is a bit less flat. I think this is helped by the shadows and varying tones. There is a bit more narrative to this one, so I need to try and get this effect for the rest of my compositions.

Although I am pleased with how my tests came out; as I got some good surprises, I am a bit stuck as to how to take these prints further into final images. Mono printing is great for experimenting but it is hard to get something that looks like a final piece. I think I need to play around with format, anything on A4 looks a bit dull, and I need to make stencils with some perspectives in them. I have a crit tomorrow so hopefully I will get some useful feedback on where I can take these mono prints. 

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