Thursday 20 November 2014

moving pictures - concept crit

I came up with the storyboard for my animation, it feels like it might be a little complicated as there is a lot going on, but because it will mostly be constructed as a rolling image rather than animation it shouldn't be too hard, and not as time consuming. 

It starts off with smoke and the title sequence, the smoke then lessens, you see the smoke flowing out of chimneys from factories. Then as the view moves along the factories, miners appear as they walk along the street into the distance. This is connected to when Orwell spent time in the industrial north researching for an essay.

Smoke moves onto the next scene which shows soliders shooting from the trenches, shooting bullets which move across showing a battlefield in the background. Planes from the back fly forward taking up the whole screen then flying into a new scene. This relates to the time Orwell spent fighting in the Spanish Civil War which had a lot of impact on the content for many of his novels.

Next scene shows poorly made house, with people walking in a line into distance, show people passing 'big brother' propaganda posters and then going into intimidating building. View then moves up the building to the eye at the top. This is relating to '1984', where the people live in poverty and have to work in these vast, scary buildings.

 The view then goes into the eye until the screen is black - this is the same sequence used for my drawn animation test. 'Room 101' illuminates in red and then a rat runs across the screen. Again '1984' with the room of torture, where rats were used.
 The rat then runs across a field, leading view to a horse pulling a cart towards a windmill. The horse is whipped, the view moves down the whip to see it is held by a pig trotter. The view zooms out to see two pigs standing on top of a hill.
Moving back further sees a collection of farm animals looking up at the intimidating pigs. This relates to 'Animal Farm' and the dictatorship the pigs had over the other animals. The smoke then takes over the screen, linking it to the beginning, possibly showing more information about the documentary. 

Some feedback I got was:
- the content is appropriate and does answer the brief in being an ad for a documentary about Orwell's life and works
- visually it will look good if using stop motion style I used before
- although it seems quite complex, doing it as a rolling image will save a lot of time so might not actually be too difficult
- when the view goes into the eye at the top of the building, it seems like a natural stopping point, so maybe cut the animal farm section out - the rest of the content is still relevant.

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