Thursday 13 November 2014

5 things

We had to start thinking about the audience - who they are, where they go, want they are like etc in order to get an idea of how we should go about formulating our ideas. We each answered questions on our brief then handed the brief to someone else to fill out the same questions.

My answers were:

5 most important words:

5 most important considerations:
- it has to keep up with the stylish branding of being 'done properly'
- it has to appeal to the young, urban professionals age 20-35
- it has to be relevant to the daily life of the audience, be places where they will actually see the branding
- it has to keep the creative, illustrative feel to the advertising, maybe not same design but similar ideas
- it has to bring the brand to life in someway, focusing on in-store environments

5 related products:
- other brands of popcorn (e.g. metcalfe)
- 'guilt free' snacks (e.g. graze boxes)
- snacks with hand illustrative designs
- in-store designs
- beautifully packaged products

5 related places:
- 'premium outlets' (e.g. whole foods, selfridges)
- corner shops/superarkets
- festivals, cinemas
- events (e.g. London Fashion Week)
- offices

These were my partners answers:

5 most important words:

5 most important considerations:
- everything should be as good as possible
- 'done properly' ethos
- hand made touch
- ties to art, music, fashion industries, guilt free
- target audience of young professionals age 2--35yrs

5 related products:
- popcorn
- hand illustrated packaging
- illustrated postcard
- beautiful box
- in-store displays

5 related places:
- supermarkets
- online
- work
- London Fashion Week
- transport (buses, tube, taxis) 

This was a useful exercise because it helped me pick up on things I hadn't considered; like advertising on public transport or trying to tie in with the arts and music side to advertising. 

I have identified my audience as:
- 20-30 year olds
- health conscious, so they are likely to be going to the gym, shopping at health food stores
- young professionals, so have busy schedules so the advertising needs to fit in with their daily routine; it needs to be something they see on their way to work etc.
- cultured, so maybe going to a lot of art galleries, art house films etc.
- use public transport

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