Tuesday 4 November 2014

review of dragon frame animation

We had a quick peer review of the animation work we had done so far. The feedback I received was that I had used appropriate media which is relevant to the intangible themes in the texts I was looking at - quite gritty and bleak. This was through my use of texture, the motifs I included and the colour scheme. But it was quite fast, only being 2 seconds long you can't take in much of the detail. 
In order to improve, I should continue with the handmade textures to create atmosphere, possibly try creating buildings out of the textures. I could maybe try using acetate to create layers, and then try changing the perspectives around as it is very flat at the moment. 
I went back to the animation to make it a bit longer and alter the effects on it slightly. 

I felt the colours on this were too intense, it doesn't have the bleak atmosphere I was aiming for

I lowered the saturation for this one but I think it would still look better if it was more washed out

I felt this was the most effective, as it feels quite bleak and hazy - almost like a scene from an old film where the colours are really washed out

Here is the animation after editing, I have extended it to about 5 seconds, reducing the frame rate from 25 fps to 6 fps which works a lot better; you can actually make out the planes and the bombs falling out as well as the detail in the changing smoke. 

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