Wednesday 12 November 2014

analysing the brief

During our last session we answered some questions about the brief that we had chosen:

1. Why have I chosen the brief?
It sounds like an interesting brief where I will be able to try something I have never tried before - using illustration off the paper and into the outside environment. It also seems like it can be easily applied to illustration, although it is not very clear on how, just 'extending the narrative on the packs', so it is very open, I am interested to see how I respond to it. 

2. What do I want to get out of it?
I want to be pushed out of my comfort zone, and try to apply my skills to something I am not used to. I want to start thinking about illustration outside of the course, in a more professional way, and consider how I would make work 'commercially viable'. 

3. What do you need to produce in response to it?
It is a very open brief so what I need to produce isn't very clear. I need to find a way of communicating the brand ethos in a way that is commercially viable. This can be through traditional methods like posters, billboards etc or something more interactive. It has to relate to the daily routines of the audience in some way to catch their attention. They also like to focus on the design as hand drawn which is an important aspect to take into account. 

4. What do you want to produce in response to it?
I have a few ideas of ways to communicate with the audience; bus shelter ads, billboards, web banners, shop window designs - as these are places that the audience will be encountering during their everyday lives. 

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