Tuesday 10 February 2015


I wasn't sure what I wanted to do for a finished product for this project, but I knew I wanted to move away from drawing buildings - I feel I have done that too much recently. I would quite like to do something based around nature, something with good shapes and colours. So I just started drawing flowers until I came up with an idea.

Although its not connected to anything, I enjoyed just spending the day drawing, it was quite a relaxing change to normal days. I am thinking of maybe illustrating a children's book; although most of those have already been illustrated which makes it a bit more difficult to come up with original drawings. I don't want to choose a really long, difficult book as that would take too long to get my head around in order to depict. I was thinking maybe a relatively short story - possibly one I have read before so its not all new information so I can start drawing quicker. 

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