Thursday 5 February 2015

poster (propercorn)

At the moment I've been working on a format for a banner size I imagine to be hanging from a supermarket ceiling, but I think I might be better to work with a size which is more general and can be applied to more places - such as bus shelters. So I've widened it a bit. 

I think its looking better, it gives the idea that the popcorn is really infused with all these natural, 'healthy' flavours, while also suggesting that it is a light snack by having the popcorn floating like clouds at the top. I also added the logo at the top - so making it recognisable to the brand. 

I tried out using the actual colour of the pack for the background:

but the ingredients don't come out clear enough and the colours clash, so I think I will stick with a paler version of the original colour for my designs. 

I didn't know whether to add any more text - like mentioning the 'under 100 calories'. I tired with the logo used on the pack but it didn't really fit with the design so I tried hand drawing some text.

I quite liked the scrawly type, but it wasn't very noticeable on the design and didn't look good when made bigger/bolder so I just decided to leave it. 

I started trying to input the design into some context, so placed it onto a bus shelter.

It helps visualising the design in real-life places to see whether it could actually work there. I feel this design is bold and colourful enough to stand out to people and gain interest in the brand. I was going to mute the colours a little bit on the bus shelter to make it look more realistic but I think it accentuates the bold aspect of it if it is as bright as possible. 

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