Thursday 26 February 2015

more visual development

Some more plant drawings, I want to build up a collection of imagery which I can then try to maybe pull together on photoshop or just have a s reference for future designs. 

I've been doing some more studies of motifs in the book, based on some quotes I have found; there are some mentioning the sea and coral which would be fun to depict:

'the white surf flinked on a coral reef, and beyond that the open sea was dark blue. Within the irregular arc of coral the lagoon was still as a mountain lake—blue of all shades and shadowy green and purple'

'The coral was scribbled in the sea as though a giant had bent down to reproduce the shape of the island in a flowing chalk line but tired before he had finished. Inside was peacock water, rocks and weeds showing as in an aquarium; outside was the dark blue of the sea'

There are such good describing words and colours used to communicate simple scenes which make it so much more exciting to read. I want to achieve this in my illustrations, making settings which may not be that exciting appear as an imaginative, colourful world. 

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